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Treatment of the disease also includes sanitizing your rat's cage. Owners should remove all rats from the enclosure and take any additional rats to a veterinarian for examination . Thoroughly clean the cage, taking care to sanitize the entirety of the enclosure along with food and water bowls or toys. Add fresh, soft bedding to prevent future lesions on your pet's feet. Once a veterinarian has diagnosed your pet with pododermatitis, he will begin a treatment that involves antibiotics and cleaning of the footpad.

Clean out all fecal matter daily, because the more poop there is on the floor, the greater chance of bacteria getting spread around. With some warm water, Epsom salt, or chlorhexidine, you can start treating bumblefoot. The warm water and Epsom salt will soften the tissues and maybe open the abscess, allowing it to drain. A rooster at the 1970’s farm where my sons work has had bumblefoot. They have been treating by soaking it’s foot in warm epsom salt water. They have told me that wrapping it in a towel helps calm him but also, as soon as his feet are in the water he immediately relaxes.
Diagnosing Bumblefoot in Rats
Tea tree oil may be used as a natural alternative to hydrocortisone cream. You can also add electrolytes and vitamins to your chicken’s water to speed healing. Ask your vet if they can recommend a good product. Bring your infected chicken into your house where it is nice and warm.
Amputation of badly infected toes and feet is sometimes called for in severe cases of bumblefoot. A few months later I had another boy , Lance, come down with the same condition. His foot swelled and was red all the way up his leg - much further than Marius’, which was contained to his foot. I treated immediately with the prednisone, Torbugesic, and trimethoprim-sulfa. Both cases cleared up completely by the end of the 10-day course of trimethoprim-sulfa.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Bumblefoot in Chickens
Add in some diatomaceous earth, too, since that cuts down on parasites and insects. This includes reorganizing the environment to eliminate pressure on your chicken’s feet, as well as any dangers. You may also want to separate the hurt chicken from the rest of the group. Clean up mud, decrease the amount of feces, and add Astroturf to perches to protect your chickens’ feet. Treating bumblefoot at home does not require a trip to the vet.
With the ball bandaging method, you wrap the foot so that the bandage forms a circle. Snowshoe bandaging is when the bandage is flat on the bottom, dispersing the weight. A U-shaped donut is then attached to the foot to limit pressure. The more weight the bird is carrying, the more pressure exerted on their feet. My name’s Carrie and I am a proud first time chicken owner! I live in and urban city on a small patch of heavenly green land with fruit trees and wonderful wildlife.
Health Guide Basics
Nails that are not trimmed regularly will cause an imbalance in an animal’s feet. This imbalance will create specific pressure points that lead to the onset of pododermatitis. Extremely long nails can also curl to the point where they can puncture the pads of the feet, causing pain and discomfort. If a companion rodent is consistently overfed, it will become overweight. This excess weight causes abnormal amounts of pressure to be placed on the feet. This excessive pressure can lead to irritation and pain of the footpad.

After surgery is complete, the bird goes back to the Hospital Tractor. They’re going to remain there for about a week, so that they can be frequently moved to new ground to avoid them standing in poop. This also keeps waterfowl from swimming, which is also important. They’re also much easier to catch for daily exams and foot cleaning/re-bandaging when isolated to a tractor. Here you’re really just watching to make sure that the infection was eliminated, and the wound is healing.
How to Prevent and Treat Bumblefoot in Pet Rats
Herbs and essential oils truly are a lifestyle here. But let me assure you that not all essential oils are made the same. There are only a few brands that I trust, and you can find those here. Make sure you are using high quality oils with your livestock. Wrap the foot and allow to heal, applying the essential oils once a day until hole is completely closed, or closed enough to your liking.
The best thing you can do is remove the wire bottom, but if that's not a realistic idea you can still do things that will make a difference. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 24,694 times. Make sure your rat always has access to fresh drinking water. Cutting into the pink vein will cause your rat to bleed.
Fill the sink about halfway with water that is a little warmer than room temperature and add in a few spoonfuls of Epsom salt. If you need to remove a scab, that will be easier after soaking the foot. Bumblefoot is graded by its severity with the most severe being grade 5. Fortunately, you can typically treat bumblefoot easily at home, though you may need antibiotics from a vet for grades 4-5.

The condition occurs when the animal’s feet become inflicted with tiny cuts and scrapes caused by a variety of environmental conditions. Bacteria are then able to enter the footpad through these cuts and scrapes, causing inflammation and infection. If left untreated and/or allowed to progress, it can become very painful to the animal. The antibiotic that we’re going to use to treat the bumble foot is Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride. Oxytetracycline is a medication used to treat Staph infections in animals. It’s effective against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria, as well as some protozoa (in fact, it’s effective against Cocci!—but that’s for another post).
The beauty of this flake is that it’s formulated to properly dose an animal when fed free-choice, as much as the animal will eat. Because it’s a medicated version of regular fish food the flake itself contains plenty of protein in the form of fish meal, as well as fats, vitamins and minerals. I chose to feed it exclusively to my birds to be sure that they maximized their consumption of the medication, although I don’t know if that was necessary to do. Neither lost weight or seemed to suffer any detrimental effects—in fact, they LOVED eating the mostly fish protein-based food.
Mix as 1 drop GSE for 9 drops fruit juice per dropper in a dropper bottle so each drop of juice contains 1/10th of a drop of GSE. Give 1 to 2 drops on a piece of bread twice daily. Bumbles not completely resolved, started on amoxicillin, a systemic broad spectrum antibiotic. The fouth photo taken in 2/03 shows no increase in the bumble to the left heel, as well as signs of improvement to the right foot.
For the pets
Yes, diet is everything when it comes to chickens. Nutrition ensures that your chickens have strong, healthy skin and feathers. Additionally, healthy diets prevent weight gain in chickens. This isn’t just about providing your chickens with plenty of opportunities for dust baths. Whenever your chickens molt, sweep up the feathers. Discarded feathers can be a safe haven for bacteria, increasing the likelihood of bumblefoot.
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